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The Box

1989 10 min
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Oscar-winning animator Co Hoedeman and his newest creature come together in this enchanting and colourful fable about the joys and pains of growing up. No sooner has the paint dried, than the puppet begins to take its first few steps and, urged on by the artist, begins to discover a wider world. He experiences the joys of playtime and sharing and eventually begins to spread his social wings. The film charts the shaping of a personality, and the evolution of a sense of self-awareness until the creature is ready to leave its protective environment. Live-action, puppets and pixilation create this …

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The Box


Oscar-winning animator Co Hoedeman and his newest creature come together in this enchanting and colourful fable about the joys and pains of growing up. No sooner has the paint dried, than the puppet begins to take its first few steps and, urged on by the artist, begins to discover a wider world. He experiences the joys of playtime and sharing and eventually begins to spread his social wings. The film charts the shaping of a personality, and the evolution of a sense of self-awareness until the creature is ready to leave its protective environment. Live-action, puppets and pixilation create this amazing world of fantasy. Film without words.

  • réalisateur
    Co Hoedeman
  • producteur
    Yves Leduc
  • producteur exécutif
    Robert Forget
  • caméra
    François Beauchemin
  • son
    Louis Hone
    Normand Roger
  • montage
    Suzanne Allard
  • montage sonore
    Normand Roger
  • musique
    Normand Roger

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