YOUR PHONE IS HAVING MORE SEX THAN YOU. A bleak picture of sex in the digital age.
2/3 OF US DON’T KNOW WE’RE ASSHOLES. An unapologetic poke at the self-consumed selfie culture.
WE BLEED FOR WHAT? Made with the filmmaker’s blood, a testament to the ideals that we fight and die for.
This ultra-short film proves that walls are real and borders are imaginary with an animated critique of long-term detention for minors in immigration centres.
This ultra-short film is an unapologetic confrontation of cultural appropriation and everything that's wrong with hipsters in headdresses. The takeaway? Just don't do it.
THEY FIGHT YOU AND THEN YOU WIN. THEY FIGHT YOU AND THEN YOU WIN. An anti-violence statement in reaction to the police brutality that fuelled Quebec’s Red Square student movement.
MOST OF US DON’T BELIEVE IN ANYTHING THIS MUCH. POV into an ultimate act of protest: self-immolation. What compels someone to go this far?
YOUR PHONE IS HAVING MORE SEX THAN YOU. A bleak picture of sex in the digital age.
REALITY IS A CHOICE. An unapologetic poke at the burgeoning age of virtual reality.
FEELS GOOD TO BE KIND. A reminder that there is power in small acts of kindness.
WE DRINK TOO MUCH. An unapologetic take on the vicious cycle of earning too little and consuming too much.
WE EAT SHIT. An unapologetic warning about how complacent we can be.