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Wapos Bay: There's No "I" in Hockey

Dennis Jackson
2005 | 24 min
In this first episode from the Wapos Bay series, Talon and his cousin T-Bear play on the same hockey team, but their relationship becomes strained when they both try to win the attention of Melanie, a girl on an opposing team. Meanwhile, Raven is having a little too much fun and not helping her grandmother prepare the Kohkum/Granddaughter bannock competition at the Festival. Frustrated by waiting for her granddaughter to help out, Kohkum quits preparing for the contest. The 3 children acquire some valuable lessons with the help of Kohkum and Mushom, Raven's grandfather. T-Bear learns how to be a team player, and Raven is determined to compete in the contest.

Wapos Bay is a Gemini Award-winning stop-motion animation series that follows the adventures of 3 kids from a Cree community in northern Saskatchewan.

Prix et distinctions

  • Mention honorifique - catégorie: Humanitaire
    Festival international du film et de la vidéo, Columbus
  • Prix Canada
    Gemini Awards, Toronto
  • Prix Gerbe d'Or - catégorie: Meilleur film pour enfants
    Golden Sheaf Awards / Festival du court métrage et de la vidéo, Yorkton
  • Prix du meilleur court métrage dramatique
    Imagine Native Media Arts Festival, Toronto