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Patrick Doyon
2011 | 9 min
In keeping with their Sunday tradition, after mass a family flocks to grandma and grandpa’s house, where the chaotic discussion soon begins to resemble a raucous gathering of crows on power lines. The local factory has shut its doors and, naturally, the adults can’t stop fretting about their money woes. On this particular grey Sunday, a young boy drops a coin on some nearby train tracks out of sheer boredom. Picking the coin up after a train has run over it, he discovers to his astonishment that an amazing transformation has taken place... Sunday, Patrick Doyon’s first film, is a magical tale that imparts important lessons about life as seen through the eyes of a child.

Prix et distinctions

  • Special International Jury Prize
    Festival international d'animation, Hiroshima
  • Best Animated Film
    Soirée des Jutra, Montréal
  • Mention spéciale pour le meilleur court métrage (5 à 25 minutes)
    Festival international de cinéma d'animation / CINANIMA, Espinho
  • Prix ASIFA-Colorado du meilleur court métrage d'animation- assorti d'une bourse de $500 USD
    Festival international du film, Denver
  • Mention honorifique pour le prix du meilleur film d'animation canadien
    Festival international d'animation, Ottawa
  • Prix du meilleur film pour enfants
    World Festival of Animated Film, Varna
  • Prix du film étranger le plus inventif de l'année- assorti d'une bourse de $15,000 DKK ($2,850 CAD)
    Festival international du film, Odense
  • Mention spéciale
    Festival international du film, Berlin