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Impossible Figures and other stories I

Marta Pajek
2021 | 16 min
An ominous ticking sound triggers a massive explosion. A swarm of objects and figures scatters unforgivably. In the aftermath, only a few souls remain, including an elegant elderly woman. Wandering deserted city streets, the tired, stoic woman painfully recalls what was and what could have been. As a flood slowly swallows the city, she shares a final moment of grieving beauty. The final film (and first part) of Marta Pajek’s award-winning trilogy, Impossible Figures and other stories I is a mysterious and haunting portrait of personal and societal self-destruction. Using striking black-and-white imagery and occasional brushes of colour, the acclaimed filmmaker directs this post-apocalyptic animated short with gentleness, compassion and a dash of hope. Impossible Figures and other stories I is a co-production between Animoon and the National Film Board of Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • Grand prix
    LINOLEUM International Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival, Kiev
  • Diploma of the jury - Profnastil - International competition
    Insomnia International Animation Film Festival, Moscou
  • Special award from Igor Grubic- Grand competition short film
    Festival mondial du film d'animation, Zagreb
  • Short Competition
    International Film Festival, Vilnius
  • Prix de la Vision
    Festival international du film d’animation de Paris, Paris
  • Grand Prix
    Animateka - International Animation Film Festival, Ljubljana
  • Golden Dove for the Best Short Animated Film
    Festival international de films documentaires et d'animation, Leipzig
  • Special Mention
    Balkanima European Animated Film Festival, Belgrade