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If I Was God...

Cordell Barker
2015 | 8 min
In this short animated film, a Grade 7 boy’s mind starts to wander while dissecting a frog in Biology class. What would you do if you suddenly found yourself charged with God-like powers? Would you use them for good? For bad? Perhaps a little of both? The possibilities seem endless. Oh to have the power to toy with life and death, to create monsters who can punish those who torment him daily, or better yet, to create that one perfect day with Lily, the love of his 12-year-old life!

Drawing inspiration from the filmmaker’s own memories and using a variety of animation techniques, from traditional animation to stop-motion puppets and more, this darkly whimsical short explores the difficult gateway between childhood and adolescence, when the approaching power of adulthood is often mistaken for omnipotence.

If I Was God is the latest offering from two-time Oscar®-nominated animator (The Cat Came Back, Strange Invaders) and long-time NFB collaborator Cordell Barker.

Prix et distinctions

  • Meilleure émission ou série d'animation
    Prix Gémeaux, Montréal
  • Grand Prize for Short Film
    Anima Mundi, Rio de Janeiro
  • Distinction spéciale
    Festival international d'animation Ciné court animé, Roanne
  • LaTV3D Award
    Courant 3D, Angoulême
  • Professional prize
    Festival du film de stop motion, Montréal