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En savoir plus

I Don't Feel Anything Anymore

Noémie Marsily et Carl Roosens
2016 | 9 min
He’s a magician. She’s a firefighter. Isolating themselves from the chaos of a world in turmoil, the two lovers live in a crane basket high in the sky, where they go about their daily business. Their challenge: keep their heads, here up above it all, while everything falls apart down below. But when reality calls—when fires need quenching and people need entertaining—how can they best make themselves useful in a world gone off the rails?

Click here to discover more titles from Get Animated! 2020.

Prix et distinctions

  • grand prix international du jury
    Festival international d'animation Ciné court animé, Roanne
  • YOO Kwang-sun Prize (International)
    International Animation Festival, Bucheon