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Iriz Pääbo
2008 | 4 min
In this short abstract-impressionist film the animation and music were made simultaneously in an organic process of symbiotic creativity. Filmmaker Iriz Pääbo tells the highly subjective story of a complete hockey game using a new cinematic vocabulary she calls "animbits." Pääbo readily admits she is not the biggest fan of Canada's national game, so the great, though highly underappreciated NHL stalwart of the '60s and '70s, Eric Nesterenko, was her hockey muse in this artistic journey. A lyrical and wonderfully unorthodox interpretation of hockey.

Prix et distinctions

  • Mention spéciale du jury
    Animadrid, Madrid
  • "Golden Nica" assorti d'une bourse de 10 000 €
    Prix ARS Electronica, Linz
  • Mention spéciale du jury
    Festival du Nouveau Cinéma Montréal, Montréal