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54 Hours

2014 13 min
Dernière chance

This short animation is a remarkably vivid account of the 1914 tragedy in which 132 men were stranded on the ice during a severe snowstorm off the coast of Newfoundland. 78 men froze to death on the pack ice. In the spring of 1914, the last of the wooden seal hunting ships in a steel-dominated industry was the Newfoundland, manned by men from across the province. The ship was unable to reach a seal pack due to its lack of ice-breaking power, and 132 men were ordered off the boat and onto the ice to hunt. The ship had no …

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54 Hours



This short animation is a remarkably vivid account of the 1914 tragedy in which 132 men were stranded on the ice during a severe snowstorm off the coast of Newfoundland. 78 men froze to death on the pack ice. In the spring of 1914, the last of the wooden seal hunting ships in a steel-dominated industry was the Newfoundland, manned by men from across the province. The ship was unable to reach a seal pack due to its lack of ice-breaking power, and 132 men were ordered off the boat and onto the ice to hunt. The ship had no radio equipment, and the men spent two unbearable nights on the ice. Survivor testimony, striking archival materials, weather visualizations, inventive animation and puppetry are seamlessly blended to recreate this harrowing ordeal.

  • réalisateur
    Bruce Alcock
    Paton Francis
  • écriture
    Michael Crummey
  • producteur
    Annette Clarke
    Michael Fukushima
  • interprète
    Bryan Hennessey
    Teri Snelgrove
  • directeur de la photographie
    A A Scott McClellan
  • animateur
    Kevin Langdale
  • animation additionnelle
    Ryan Kane
    Bruce Alcock
    Paton Francis
    Nathan Boey
  • conception sonore
    Judith Gruber-Stitzer
  • musicien
    Duane Andrews
    Patrick Boyle
    Bill Brennan
    Aaron Collis
  • créateur du story-board
    Paton Francis
  • conception visuelle
    Bruce Alcock
  • gérant de production
    Lynn Andrews
  • direction artistique
    Marty Sexton
  • None
    Sean Doran
    A A Scott McClellan
    Victoria Wells
    Stephen Lilly
    Lise Wedlock
  • contribution à l'écriture
    Jordan Canning
  • preneur de son
    Mark Neary
  • assistant de production
    Luke Crawford
    Tamara Segura
  • assistant monteur
    Amanda Bell
    Chris MacIntosh
    Matt Sikka
  • musicien additionnel
    Lance Neveu
    Dave Gossage
  • enregistrement sonore supplémentaire
    Chris MacIntosh
  • montage additionnel
    Chris MacIntosh
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean Paul Vialard
  • superviseur de production
    Roz Power
  • coordonnateur technique
    Jean-François Laprise
  • coordonnateur de production
    Vanessa Larsen
    Jenna Ross
  • coordonnateur principal de production
    Isabelle Limoges
  • administrateur de studio
    Leslie Anne Poyntz
  • agent, marketing
    Kelley Alexander
  • agent de publicité
    Pat Dillon
  • conseiller juridique
    Dominique Aubry
  • producteur associé
    Jon Montes
  • producteur exécutif
    Annette Clarke
    Michael Fukushima